Sunday, May 25, 2014

Nur Stunden nach dem Anschlag auf das jüdische Museum in Brüssel: Messerattacke gegen zwei jüdische Männer in Paris

Die anti-israelische Hetze der EU gegen Israel trägt Früchte. Nach dem Morden im jüdischen Museum von Brüssel, wurden nur Stunden später zwei Juden in Paris bei einer Messerattacke lebensgefährlich verletzt. Das bunte Wurst-Europa zeigt seine hässliche, antisemitische Fratze:
Two Jewish men were attacked outside Paris Saturday night, French Interior Minister Bernard Caseneuve announced Sunday, as they were leaving a Creteil synagogue.
Caseneuve ordered police around France to increase security at Jewish houses of worship and other Jewish establishments, the Ministry stated. He condemned the attacked with "utmost severity."
Very few details are available on the attack. Sources told Israeli small-time news site 0404 Sunday morning that three French Jews were attacked - not two - and identified them as the synagogue's treasurer and his two sons. All three have been hospitalized, according to the report.


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